Monday, March 12, 2007

Photos: WSC 1999 with Rolla - North on Stuart Highway - Part 5 of 17

From Sydney, we drove to Adelaide and then surveyed Stuart highway from Adelaide to Darwin.

Click the photo to enlarge:

Views of Stuart highway

Passed by a two trailer fuel truck, also known as a road train. Driving on the left side of the road was the right side in Australia.

We were happy to see this roadhouse. By the time we arrived here, the RV was running on empty.

At a camp grounds we stayed at, there was a family of Geese. Whenever I got too close, the male Goose would go on the attack.

RV shadow on the Outback

Moving earth hauling equipment. There was a lead car with a flagman which drove ahead and flagged everyone to the side of the road to allow the over-sized truck through.

Photos by Adrian Silveanu

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